Energy Economics

Can the adoption of electric cars reduce energy and emission outcomes in the Kingdom of Bahrain?

Can the adoption of electric cars reduce energy and emission outcomes in the Kingdom of Bahrain?

In this discussion paper, we look at the potential effects of adopting electric cars and their outcomes on the Kingdom of Bahrains Energy consumption and CO2 emissions. We construct a simplified model that looks at different potential adoption rates of electric vehicles and how this affects transportation energy and emissions outcomes based on assumptions about fuel consumption, internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle fuel efficiencies, and other essential variables. We find that under our assumptions, the Kingdom would see 17% lower energy usage for transportation sector, 0.84% lower overall energy usage, 8% reduction in per year emissions for the transportation sector, and a 0.51% reduction in overall emissions per year.

Did COVID-19 reduce local fuel demand in the Kingdom of Bahrain?

Did COVID-19 reduce local fuel demand in the Kingdom of Bahrain?

COVID-19 has led to severe disruptions in how society interacts in 2020 and onwards. With COVID-19 restrictions being placed in the earlier stages of the pandemic, the need for daily mobility towards work, education, and leisure centers had dwindled significantly. However, it is unknown to what extent the COVID-19 pandemic and its restrictions affected fuel demand in the Kingdom of Bahrain. This article aims to explore how the early-stage pandemic affected gasoline and diesel consumption in the Kingdom. Furthermore, we also extrapolate from the findings on the potential hypothetical benefits of transitioning to a “work at home” type of environment and whether this would have any significant economic effects that the Kingdom would reap.